1. "MUST" take every signal shown by system
2. "NEVER" invest > 30% out from capital, balance capital for backup
3. "INCREASE" position only after 20-30% increase in capital

*Futures Crude Palm Oil: current position for GT2
Step 1: Holding> February contract LONG 3053 (01.12.11)
Step 2: Stop> i dont use STOP!!
Step 3: Entry> No SAR signal yet..

*Futures Kuala Lumpur Index: current position for RJ1
Step 1: Holding> LONG 1436 November (24.11.11)
Step 2: Stop> i dont use STOP!!
Step 3: Entry> No SAR signal yet..

*will be updated after market


Wise Words from Ed Seykota

If I am bullish, I neither buy on a reaction, nor wait for strength; I am already in. I turn bullish at the instant my buy stop is hit, and stay bullish until my sell stop is hit. Being bullish and not being long is illogical. ~ "Market Wizards, Interview with Top Traders - Jack D. Schwager"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dr. Alexander Elder Tokkok...

The Crash of 2008... Education...

By Dr.Alexander Elder

Dear Trader,

We live in extraordinary times. The world stock markets have crashed, and their volatility is unprecedented. Back in the 1970s, when I first entered the markets, the 1,000 level of the Dow was called 'the graveyard in the sky' - any time the market went up to that level, it turned and entered a bear market that would go down 200 or even 300 points within the next year or two. Now the Dow can leap almost a thousand points in a single day, and a 200 point range feels almost like a quiet day.

We have seen severe damage to the price structures of major market indexes worldwide. On some days, as I listen to investors and traders, the feeling of fear is almost palpable. It pays to keep in mind that a savvy trader plans ahead, while a poor beginner jumps in response to emotions - he or she buys amidst the optimism of market tops and dumps shares in fear at market bottoms.

Let us review the current market situation, try to look ahead, and plan for the future. We also must begin thinking about the lessons this crash can teach us. This will take a long time and we will not accomplish everything in a single letter, but there are several points worth discussing today.

To find a parallel to today's state of the world's stock markets and global economy one must go back to 1929 and its aftermath. Those times seem like ancient history to most people, but when I first entered the markets I met guys who traded in 1929 and during the bear market that followed the crash. I eagerly listened to those old-timers and learned from them.

The Crash of 1929 rolled over into a Depression due to two severe mistakes by the Republican administration of that day. First, it focused on defending the US Dollar by jacking up interest rates which dealt a body blow to the real economy. Second, a misguided Congress tried to 'protect American industry' by erecting high tariff walls. It never occurred to those gentlemen to ask how we can expect the world to buy our goods if they cannot make money by selling their goods to us.

The current government is acting quite differently. It reminds me of Sigmund Freud's famous quote: 'the voice of reason is quiet but persistent.' Simply put, I think that the current administration has learned from those old mistakes and is handling the crisis much better. They are pumping money into the markets, supporting the banks, and not allowing the system to seize up. Sure, it feels disgusting that taxpayer money is going into the pockets of those who got us into this mess, but the key point is that trust must be restored so that the system can continue to function. Furthermore, instead of building self-defeating protectionist walls, today there is a remarkable degree of cooperation among finance officials around the globe. We are living through the worst worldwide financial crisis since 1929, but the signs are that we will muddle through a lot better now than our forefathers did back then. We do not expect to see what was a sad norm in the 1930's: a 25% unemployment rate, massive repossessions of busted out farms, and other such Grapes of Wrath stuff.

At the same time, I think we have not yet seen the bottom of this decline. Markets rarely if ever trace out V-bottoms. Individual stocks can do it occasionally, but it would be highly unlikely for the entire stock market to turn on a dime. A violent bottom, like the one we just saw, is likely to be retested a few months later on lower volume. Or rather - we hope it gets retested and then the market reverses, but there is no guarantee that the current lows will hold.

Let us look at a few numbers. The average length of a US bear market is about 18 months. This bear is just one year old, meaning it is reasonable to expect this weakness to last into Spring 2009. And what about the real economy? The stock market tends to lead the economy by about 9 months, although this lead may have shortened a bit, as the pace of life has speeded up. This would seem to indicate another year of continued weakness in the economy. When things get ugly in the economy, interest rates decline further, and almost everyone forgets what a bull market looks like, but that's when the first stage of the new bull market can begin - possibly some time in 2009.

Keep in mind that bear market bottoms present fantastic buying opportunities. Prepare yourself to think of incredible bargains you will be able to scoop up. This is a very important topic that we will be tracking in the months ahead.

And what about the lessons we should learn from this crash? The very first one is that every position deserves what I call 'a catastrophic stop'. An experienced trader may manage a short-term trade with only a mental stop, but every position you plan to hold for any length if time deserves a real stop at a level that one hopes never to see. Two friends of mine bought a stock at $20 that they thought was a bargain, but now it trades at 20 cents. One bailed out at $18, the other still holds it today. At the time he bought he should have asked himself, what level he never expected to see - $15? $12? Whatever it was, that's where he should have put his 'catastrophic stop!'

Most traders have very short memories. They look at recent events and extrapolate them into the future. They feel bullish at the tops and bearish at the bottoms. Long-term successful people possess a knowledge of history and a memory of how things work. They need it in order to do the counter-intuitive thing - sell at the tops and buy near the bottoms.

Make no mistake about it - there are fantastic buying opportunities ahead of us on the horizon. It is our goal to learn to recognize them, time them reasonably well, and have the intestinal fortitude to buy. These are the tasks on which we will be focusing.

PS - one day before this email was to be sent out, a message arrived from one of our clients. I reprint it here, with writer's permission, to show how a serious person takes steps to protect himself in a decline and even to profit in it:

"Dr. Elder,

In the last Bear market, I watched my 401k plummet and didn't know who to believe or trust.

After reading your books, attending your webinars and live seminars I began trading. Not successfully at first, but eventually producing consistent results.

Now, I am trading independently and trusting my own analysis of the chart patterns. This year has been incredible for my trading!

Thank you for sharing your lessons and wisdom. Without it, I certainly would be experiencing the same despair as in 2002.

Kyle Richardson"

No comments:

CPO 2011 (GT2 System Performance)

MAY 2011 contract
1)17.02>LONG 3729-SELL 3623 = -106 (21.02)

2)21.02>SHOT 3623-BUY 3538 = +85 (23.02)

3)23.02>LONG 3538-SELL 3518 = -20 (28.02)

4)24.02>SHOT 3506-BUY 3413 x 2lots = +186 (24.02)

5)28.02>SHOT 3518-BUY 3525 = -7 (01.03)

6)01.03>LONG 3525-SELL 3625 = +100 (08.03)

7)08.03>SHOT 3625-BUY 3598 = +27 (09.03)

8)09.03>LONG 3598-SELL 3406 = -192 (11.03)

9)10.03>SHOT 3501-BUY 3473 x 2lots = +56 (10.03)

10)11.03>SHOT 3406-BUY 3347 = +59 (14.03)

11)14.03>LONG 3347-SELL 3371 = +24 (15.03)

JUNE 2011 contract
12)15.03>LONG 3360-SELL 3434 = +74 (21.03)

13)21.03>SHOT 3434-BUY 3347 = +87 (23.03)

14)23.03>LONG 3347-SELL 3425 = +78 (11.04)

15)24.03>SHOT 3287-BUY 3249 x 2lots = +76 (24.03)

16)31.03>SHOT 3302-BUY 3343 x 2lots= -82 (31.03)

17)05.04>SHOT 3368.5-BUY 3365 x 2lots= +7 (05.04)

18)07.04>SHOT 3339-BUY 3342 x 2lots= -6 (07.04)

19)11.04>SHOT 3425-BUY 3344 = +81 (13.04)

20)13.04>LONG 3344-SELL 3307 = -37 (14.04)

21)14.04>SHOT 3307-BUY 3269 = +38 (18.04)

JULY 2011 contract
22)18.04>LONG 3253-SELL 3355 = +102 (25.04)

23)19.04>SHOT 3220-BUY 3240 x 2lots = -40 (19.04)

24)25.04>SHOT 3355-BUY 3334 = +21 (26.04)

25)26.04>LONG 3334-SELL 3290 = -44 (27.04)

26)27.04>SHOT 3290-BUY 3320 = -30 (28.04)

27)28.04>LONG 3320-SELL 3243 = -77 (04.05)

28)04.05>SHOT 3243-BUY 3277 = -34 (05.05)

29)05.05>LONG 3277-SELL 3175 = -102 (06.05)

30)06.05>SHOT 3175-BUY 3203 = -28 (09.05)

31)09.05>LONG 3203-SELL 3264 =+61 (10.05)

32)10.05>SHOT 3264-BUY 3252 = +12 (13.05)

33)13.05>LONG 3252-SELL 3370 = +118 (19.05)

AUGUST 2011 contract
34)19.05>LONG 3339-SELL 3388 = +49 (23.05)

35)23.05>SHOT 3388-BUY 3385 = +3 (24.05)

36)24.05>LONG 3385-SELL 3370 = -15 (25.05)

37)25.05>SHOT 3370-BUY 3386 = -16 (25.05)

38)25.05>LONG 3386-SELL 3418 = +32 (26.05)

39)26.05>SHOT 3418-BUY 3439 = -21 (26.05)

40)26.05>LONG 3439-SELL 3405 = -34 (26.05)

41)26.05>SHOT 3405-BUY 3442 = -37 (27.05)

42)27.05>LONG 3442-SELL 3440 = -2 (30.05)

43)30.05>SHOT 3440-BUY 3373 = +67 (02.06)

44)02.06>LONG 3373-SELL 3441 = +68 (03.06)

45)03.06>SHOT 3441-BUY 3254 = +187 (13.06)

46)13.06>LONG 3254-SELL 3256 = +2 (16.06)

SEPTEMBER 2011 contract
47)16.06>SHOT 3254-BUY 3215 = +39 (20.06)

48)20.06>LONG 3215-SELL 3212 = -3 (22.06)

49)22.06>SHOT 3212-BUY 3178 = +34 (23.06)

50)23.06>LONG 3178-SELL 3144 = -34 (24.06)

51)24.06>SHOT 3144-BUY 3121 = +23 (24.06)

52)24.06>LONG 3121-SELL 3076 = -45 (27.06)

53)27.06>SHOT 3076-BUY 3080 = -4 (28.06)

54)28.06>LONG 3080-SELL 3113 = +33 (30.06)

55)30.06>SHOT 3113-BUY 3071 = +42 (04.07)

56)04.07>LONG 3071-SELL 3054 = -17 (04.07)

57)04.07>SHOT 3054-BUY 3046 = +8 (06.07)

58)06.07>LONG 3046-SELL 3074 = +28 (08.07)

59)08.07>SHOT 3074-BUY 3045 = +29 (12.07)

60)12.07>LONG 3045-SELL 3115 = +70 (15.07)

61)15.07>SHOT 3115-BUY 3134 = -19 (18.07)

OCTOBER 2011 contract
62)18.07>SHOT 3125-BUY 3082 = +43 (19.07)

63)19.07>LONG 3082-SELL 3140 = +58 (21.07)

64)21.07>SHOT 3140-BUY 3100 = +40 (25.07)

65)25.07>LONG 3100-SELL 3115 = +15 (28.07)

66)28.07>SHOT 3115-BUY 3123 = -8 (28.07)

67)28.07>LONG 3123-SELL 3086 = -37 (29.07)

68)29.07>SHOT 3086-BUY 3100 = -14 (29.07)

69)29.07>LONG 3100-SELL 3120 = +20 (02.08)

70)02.08>SHOT 3120-BUY 3137 = -17 (03.08)

71)03.08>LONG 3137-SELL 3116 = -21 (04.08)

72)04.08>SHOT 3116-BUY 3050 = +66 (05.08)

73)05.08>LONG 3050-SELL 3033 = -17 (08.08)

74)08.08>SHOT 3033-BUY 2959 = +74 (09.08)

75)09.08>LONG 2959-SELL 3004 = +45 (12.08)

76)12.08>SHOT 3004-BUY 3054 = -50 (15.08)

77)15.08>LONG 3054-SELL 3057 * = +3 (15.08) *sell because chart hang from 3pm.

NOVEMBER 2011 contract
78)16.08>SHOT 3019-BUY 3025 = -6 (17.08)

79)17.08>LONG 3025-SELL 3003 = -22 (19.08)

80)19.08>SHOT 3000-BUY 3045 = -45 (23.08)

81)23.08>LONG 3045-SELL 3051 = +6 (24.08)

82)24.08>SHOT 3051-BUY 2978 = +73 (26.08)

83)26.08>LONG 2978-SELL 3037 = +59 (05.09) #NO TRADE because raya holiday!!

84)05.09>SHOT 3037-LONG 3007 = +30 (06.09) #NO TRADE because of Bursa feed problem!!

85)06.09>LONG 3007-SELL 3032 = +25 (08.09)

86)08.09>SHOT 3032-BUY 3055 = -23 (09.09)

87)09.09>LONG 3055-SELL 3021 = -34 (13.09) *

88)13.09>SHOT 3021-LONG 3023 = -2 (14.09)

89)14.09>LONG 3023-SELL 2993 = -30 (14.09)

90)14.09>SELL 2993-BUY 3009 = -16 (14.09)

91)14.09>LONG 3009-SELL 3038 = +29 (19.09)

DECEMBER 2011 contract
92)19.09>LONG 3038-SELL 3028 = -10 (22.09)

93)22.09>SHOT 3028-BUY 2915 = +113 (26.09)

94)26.09>LONG 2915-SELL 2886 = -29 (28.09)

95)28.09>SHOT 2886-BUY 2898 = -12 (29.09)

96)29.09>LONG 2898-SELL 2826 = -72 (04.10)

97)04.10>SHOT 2826-BUY 2775 = +51 (06.10)

98)06.10>LONG 2775-SELL 2783 = +8 (07.10)

99)07.10>SHOT 2783-BUY 2866 = -83 (12.10)

100)12.10>LONG 2866-SELL 2838 = -28 (13.10)

101)13.10>SHOT 2838-BUY 2876 = -38 (14.10)

102)14.10>LONG 2876-SELL 2824 = -52 (18.10)

JANUARY 2012 contract
103)18.10>SHOT 2832-BUY 2874 = -42 (19.10)

104)19.10>LONG 2874-SELL 2986 = +112 (27.10)

105)27.10>SHOT 2986-BUY 2947 = +39 (02.11)

106)02.11>LONG 2947-SELL 2937 = -10 (03.11)

107)03.11>SHOT 2937-BUY 2970 = -33 (03.11)

108)03.11>LONG 2970-SELL 2993 = +23 (04.11)

109)04.11>SHOT 2993-BUY 3018 = -25 (04.11)

110)04.11>LONG 3018-SELL 3030 = +12 (09.11)

111)09.11>SHOT 3030-BUY 3085 = -55 (10.11) ##

112)10.11>LONG 3085-SHOT 3163 = +78 (14.11)

113)14.11>SHOT 3163-LONG 3199 = -36 (15.11)

114)15.11>LONG 3199-SELL 3188 = -11 (15.11)

FEBRUARY 2012 contract
115)15.11>SHOT 3188-BUY 3230 = -42 (16.11)

116)16.11>LONG 3229-SELL 3239 = +10 (17.11)

117)17.11>SHOT 3239-BUY 3261 = -22 (18.11)

118)18.11>LONG 3261-SELL 3216 = -45 (21.11)

119)21.11>SHOT 3216-BUY 3182 = +34 (22.11)

120)22.11>LONG 3182-SELL 3147 = -35 (23.11)

121)23.11>SHOT 3147-BUY 3130 = +17 (24.11)

122)24.11>LONG 3130-SELL 3080 = -50 (25.11)

123)25.11>SHOT 3080-BUY 3053 = +27 (01.12)

124)01.12>LONG 3053-SELL ?? =

TOTAL POINTS = From 1st Jan 2011>> +1273 points